Während ich meine Prüfung hatte, meinte das Wetter dann uns
nochmal den Schnee zeigen zu müssen. Und es lagen innerhalb von 3 Stunden 5cm
Schnee, der zum Glück abends wieder weg war. Generell hat das Wetter diesen
Monat etwas verrückt gespielt. Mitte
März hatten wir dann wieder starke Regenfälle und die Straßen waren wieder
überflutet und es haben sich kleine Seen gebildet. In der letzten Woche ist
dann aber endlich der Frühling gekommen und hat uns die Sonne gebracht. Nun
blühen überall Narzissen und Krokusse, was total schön ist. :)
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Nur ein kleiner See... |
Sonst haben wir Anfang März Katzenbabies bekommen. Vier
kleine Katzen, 2 Mädels und 2 Jungs. Ich persönlich finde Katzen jetzt nicht so
super, hätte mich über Welpen mehr gefreut, aber man kann nicht alles haben,
nicht wahr?!

Zudem ist meine Rechtschreibung in Deutsch voll am
abkratzen, gut dass es ein Rechtschreibprogramm auf Word gibt…
Und 2/3 sind jetzt auch schon vorbei :O
Morgen geht es dann ab nach Deutschland und dann in 1,5
Wochen nach Dublin, worauf ich mich schon freue.
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Ein bisschen random, aber leider die Wahrheit... |
The month
started with my Cambridge exams on the 2nd and 4th March. I have to admit that
I had been quite nervous, before I wrote the exam. On the 2nd March
I wrote my written paper and on the 4th I had my speaking exam. I
did feel a bit left out, because the other candidates were all Spanish and
older than 30 years. The first paper (reading) wasn’t really good, it was
really hard, but I wasn’t the only one, the others thought it had been hard as
well. The other two papers were alright I guess. Also, the speaking exam was
better than I thought it would be. I am quite excited to get the result, since
I am not sure whether I passed. I will get the result on the 15th
The weather
this month has been diverse. We had snow at the beginning of March, then a lot
of rain, so all the streets had been flooded and little lakes formed in the
gardens, but we also had sunshine. For two weeks spring has finally arrived and
the sun shine. Moreover, there are flowers everywhere, which is so beautiful.
March my host family’s cat had her babies and now we have four little kittens.
Two males and two females. But honestly, I am not much of a cat person, I would
have enjoyed puppies a lot more.
weekend Kira, Sarah and I went out for a meal. We had a really good time,
because the waiter was quite funny and the food was good! On Saturday I
received a parcel my parents had sent. I was quite surprised, because I will be
flying home tomorrow and I didn’t think they would send me a parcel if I would
be home 5 days afterwards anyway. Of course I was really happy and excited what
might be in there. Well, I got another stock of German candy/chocolate, because
I’d ran out of German chocolate. Actually, I wanted to eat less chocolate in
the future, but never mind :D.
school: School is really boring right now, we started revising and finished the
curriculum and it is sooo boring revising all the stuff you already know… I
don’t even know what to google anymore. I feel like I planned my whole life in
the last two weeks. But now we have holidays and get too much homework again,
even though I barely had any homework for the last two weeks. I had my Spanish
oral mock last week. Well, I still hate my Spanish teacher, I just cannot get
along with her. I had to change my essay three times and now she wants me to
change it for the fourth time. Ehmmm… NO!
But anyway
tomorrow I am going homeeeeee! And in 1.5 weeks to Dublin. Looking forward to
that. :))
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