Vor nun schon gut 1.5 Wochen holten mich meine Großeltern ab und wir fuhren für eine Woche nach Schottland. Ich bin inzwischen wieder in Deutschland und werde im meinem nächsten Post darüber berichten :)
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Unsere Route |
Großeltern kamen um kurz vor zehn vorbei und holten mich und meine 3 Koffer ab.
Meine Gast"mutter" hatte es noch nicht mal für nötig gehalten tschüss
zu sagen, geschweige denn anwesend zu sein. Wir fuhren von York aus nach
Newcastle, da es auf dem Weg lag und ich mir die Quayside gerne angucken
wollte. Das Navi wollte aber nicht ganz wie wir wollten und deswegen fuhren wir
etwas verwirrt durch Newcastle City, bis ich dann mein Handy als Navi
umfunktionierte und wir
Newcastle |
Nach einem
sehr füllenden Frühstück ging es ins Auto und ab nach Stirling. Stirling ist
eine kleine Stadt zwischen Edinburgh und Glasgow mit einer Burg, die wir uns
angucken wollten. Wir fuhren mit dem Auto hinauf auf den Hügel und guckten uns
gleichzeitig die schöne kleine Stadt an. Oben angekommen hatte man einen
wunderschönen Ausblick aufs drum herum liegende Land. Den Eintritt in die Burg
kann man sich schenken, da die Burg von innen nichts zu bieten hat und auch
nicht schön ist. Nach einem kleinen Rundgang ging es dann über kleinen
Landstraßen nach Glasgow.
Blick vom Castle |
Loch Lomond |
Nach dem
Frühstück ging es von Glasgow aus nach Fort William (würde sich mit S besser
anhören) durch den Loch Lomond National Park. Der See Loch Lomond ist wirklich
richtig schön und wir hatten sogar Glück mit dem Wetter und die Sonne schien.
Nach einem kurzen Stopp am Loch Lomond ging es weiter nach Inveraray, dies ist
ein kleiner Ort mit einer Burg an einem anderen See. Die Burg hat uns weniger
interessiert, wir sind lieber durch den Ort gegangen, haben bei 20 Grad ein Eis
genossen und die Aussicht auf die Berge genossen. Leider sehen die Fotos lange
nicht so schön aus, wie es in Wirklichkeit aussah. Von Inveraray ging es zum
Loch Awe, wo man eine alte Schlossruine ansehen sollen könnte. Allerdings war
es uns nicht möglich nahe an die Burg
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Inveraray |
Loch Ness |

Ullapool |
Das Wetter in
Schottland mochte uns nicht, denn auch wie am Vortag regnete es und es war sehr
kalt. Zehn Grad, Regen und Wind sind Mitte Juni nicht gerade angenehm. Als
Erstes fuhren wir in die Innenstadt von Inverness und liefen dort für ca. eine
Stunde herum. Die Stadt an sich ist für schottische Verhältnisse relativ groß
und auch sehr schön mit dem Fluss, der durch die Mitte der Stadt läuft und den
alten Kirchen und Häusern. Nachdem wir uns Inverness angeguckt hatten, war
unser Plan Richtung Norden nach Wick bzw.
an ein paar Felsen zu fahren. Dies
sollte allerdings 3,5h hin und wieder zurück dauern und das war uns dann doch
etwas lang. Deswegen fuhren wir nur die Hälfte des Weges in einen Fischerort
durch viele kleine hübsche Dörfer. Die Straße lag direkt am Meer umgeben von
Bergen und Ginsterbüschen. Auf dem Rückweg fuhren wir dann durchs Landesinnere
in den Bergen, von wo aus man einen schönen Ausblick hatte. Gegen 16 Uhr kamen
wir dann sehr müde im Hotel an und machten etwas Siesta, bevor es ans Essen und
Fußball gucken ging.
Residenz der Queen |
Das Wetter
wurde immer schlimmer und wir hatten nur noch 8 Grad am Freitag mit starkem
Wind und durchgehendem Regen. Wir fuhren von Inverness durch den Cairngorms
National Park. Erst war der Weg relativ eintönig und ich bin eingeschlafen,
doch dann wurde es zur Achterbahnfahrt und es ging Berg rauf Berg runter auf
kleinen Straßen mit guten Ausblicken, allerdings war dieser durch den Nebel bzw.
Regen sehr beschränkt. Wir hielten dann im National Park und guckten uns die
Sommerresidenz der Queen an. Wir sind dort nicht lange rumgelaufen, da es
wirklich sehr kalt war, allerdings kann
ich verstehen, wieso die Queen das Schloss so gerne mag. Nach dem Stopp beim
Schloss ging es dann weiter durch den National Park mit 20% Steigung nach Aberdeen.
Aberdeen hat mir persönlich sehr gut gefallen. Vor allem die Vororte sahen sehr
schön und grün aus und nicht überall standen diese DDR Häuser, die man überall
in Schottland sieht. Auch die Innenstadt
sah ganz nett aus. Wir fuhren dann noch an den Strand und ich lief ans Wasser,
weil ich Strände mag. :P Von Aberdeen ging es dann 2std in die Nähe von Perth.
Nicht das in Australien, leider, wäre bestimmt besseres Wetter gewesen.
Edinburgh castle |
Das Wetter
zeigte sich am letzten Tag nochmal von seiner allerbesten Seite. Ich wachte auf
und blickte in einen blauen Himmel, zwar war es noch kalt mit 10 Grad, aber die
Sonne schien. Wir fuhren von Perth nach Dundee und guckten uns dort den Hafen
und die Promenade an. Alles nicht so mega schön, deswegen fuhren wir weiter an
der Küstenstraße, bis wir in den Ort "Broughty Ferry" kamen, dort
stiegen wir aus und liefen zum Strand. Der Strand war für Englische
Verhältnisse richtig schön. Vielleicht sogar der schönste, den ich bis jetzt
gesehen habe. Nach einem Strandspaziergang ging es in den Ort mit vielen
kleinen Cafés und Restaurants.
Sunday 12th June:
My grandparents picked me up at
around 10am. My new host"mum" wasn't even home and didn't say goodbye
(and we are the disrespectful people), when I left. From York we headed
straight to Newcastle, as I wanted to have a look around the city, because I’ve
never been there before and it was on our way. We stopped in Newcastle and
watched the celebration for the queen. We then had something to eat and drove
to Edinburgh, through a National Park as the motorway was closed due to
congestion. After 2.5 hours we crossed the border and arrived in Edinburgh,
where we just checked in and then walked into the city centre. Edinburgh is a
really lovely city, with its old castles and houses. We walked a bit through
the old town and then had something to eat in a small restaurant. The food was
lovely as well as the inside of the restaurant. Afterwards we took the taxi
back to the hotel and watched the football game Germany against Ukraine.
Monday 13th June:
I started the day with a Belgian
waffle with yoghurt and fruits, a bit too much at the end, but very nice. After
we had our breakfast we drove to Stirling, a little town between Edinburgh and
Glasgow. There we visited the Stirling castle, which is not worth the money.
However, the view was nice as well as the little town. From Stirling we drove
to Glasgow and got some lunch at Tesco's, before we had a look around Glasgow
city centre. I didn't like Glasgow. The city centre is really dirty,
multi-coloured and there are no trees whatsoever. Above all I definitely do not
have to visit Glasgow again, although there are a lot of street artists. Around
4pm we checked in into our hotel and relaxed a while before we had some tea.
Tuesday 14th June:
After we had our breakfast we headed
through the Loch Lomond National Park to Fort William (sounds better with a S
at the end). The first lake, Loch Lomond was definitely the nicest lake. The
view and the weather was amazing with the mountains in the background. After
enjoying the view for a while we continued our journey and arrived in Inveraray.
There we actually wanted to see the castle, but the castle didn't look very
beautiful, so we had a look around the small village and had some ice cream, as
you have to eat ice cream when it is 20 degrees in Scotland. From Inveraray we
passed a ruin, which was supposed to be nice, but wasn't as you couldn't see it
up close, and then stopped at a café for a late lunch, before we arrived in
Fort William. A while after we'd arrived, we started exploring Fort William,
which turned out really small with just three roads to have a look around.
Also, the roads in the National Park were quite hilly and it was a bit like on
a roller-coaster.
Wednesday 15th June:
This day was probably the best day
of the whole trip. Our actually plan had been to drive from Fort William to
Loch Ness and then to Inverness to do some sightseeing. Well, we did drive from
Fort William to Loch Ness, but took kind of a different road. The Satnav told
us that there was a parking lot somewhere around the Loch Ness. We decided to
go there, as we would need to park the car somewhere anyway. The parking lot
appeared to be in the middle of nowhere on the lake, but with only a single
small and bumpy street leading to it, that’s why the satnav told us to go that
way and I can just say it was an adventurous drive. At some point, before we
reached the parking lot, there was a sign saying “waterfall trail”. My granddad
asked me if I wanted to see the waterfall and of course I did. Therefore, my
grandma and I climbed down to the waterfall, which was the biggest waterfall
I’ve ever seen until now. From the waterfall we drove to the parking lot, which
appeared to be no parking lot, but we didn’t get out of the car anyway, as it was
raining and really cold, like 11 degrees. Afterwards, we still had a lot of
time and decided to drive up to Ullapool through the northern highlands. The
drive took us around 1.5h and was quite boring as the highlands all look the
same and it is basically like driving through a desert, just with grass and a
lot of stones. I mean it does look pretty or different, but after a while it
gets boring. Ullapool is located on a lake, which is quite a nice view, but
apart from many cambers and two streets with weird shops, there is not much to
do or see. On our way back to Inverness, I found a sign, which looked
promising. We stopped and I jumped out of the car and ran down to the next
waterfall. This time the trail was a bit longer and I had to cross a bridge over
a massive canyon. The bridge turned out to be moving and see through, which
scared the hell out of me, as I didn’t want to die falling into a really deep
canyon in Scotland. From there we just went to our hotel and had some tea and
played some games.
Thursday 16th June:
The weather didn't like us. Like on
the day before it was really cold and rained the whole day. Nevertheless, we
started our day with a little walking tour around Inverness city centre. The
city is quite small, but beautiful with the river flowing through the town
centre and the old buildings. After around an hour we decided to drive up to
the North. Our actual goal was to reach Wick or better the cliffs a bit further
up north. However, this would have taken us around 3.5h up and back. That's why
we decided to stop in a little village half way up and then head back on
another road. The area around the coast was quite beautiful with the orange
bushes, the sea and the mountains. We also drove through really nice villages
on our way up the coast. After another two hours we finally arrived back in the
hotel and were ready for some sleep, before we had our tea.
Friday 17th June:
The weather kept on getting worse.
On Friday we had just 8 degrees, strong wind and rain the whole day. After
breakfast we drove from Inverness through the National Park to the summer
residence of the Queen. The way to the castle was quite spectacular, as the
street went up and down the mountain with 20% increase and really nice views.
However, the views would have been better without the mist and the rain, but
you cannot influence that. After a short visit at the castle, as it was way
tooo cold we drove to Aberdeen. I quite liked Aberdeen. Especially, the
Saturday 18th June:
The weather finally decided to treat
us well. Probably because it was our last day. The whole day the sun was
shining and nearly no cloud was to be seen in the sky and the temperatures went
up to 18 degrees. I really didn't think that I would see the sun in Scotland at
some point. From the small town near Perth, where we had stayed, we drove to
Dundee. We actually didn't make it into town but to the sea side, which wasn't
incredibly nice. Therefore, we kept on driving along the water front until we
arrived in a little town called "Broughty Ferry". This town was
really nice, especially the beach was amazing for English conditions. We walked
along the beach and then headed to the main road where many shops and cafés are
located. After walking through the town we drove 2,5h to Edinburgh. Edinburgh
in the sunshine is even more beautiful than I'd thought. From where we parked
we walked along Princess Road towards the Calton Hill. I decided to walk up the
hill and was quite exhausted when I reached the top, but the view was stunning
and I'd have loved to stay there a bit longer.
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